Ethics in Comics

Finished this Netflix Daredevil at Doxacon Seattle with Chris Hawthorne and Tanya Keenan!

Ethics in Comics

This was my highlight of the Con... meeting Bruce Timm - THE MAN of Comic Book Animation!!!

Ethics in Comics

CIVIL WARped. I pencilled and inked this at Emerald City Comic Con last week - amazing people there!! Some of them even found their way into the background of this picture... I'll post some ponderings on the ethical story behind this in the coming days, but I'm wondering what people will see without my interpretive layer over top. Thoughts?

Ethics in Comics

Here's the BW inking I did at Emerald City Comic Con: "CIVIL WARped". There are several characters inserted into the background based on the suggestions of fans who came by. They probably won't show up much in the coloured final version, but they're easy to see now. The full colour and BW versions will soon be available in the poster section at